2023 Sonbahar YDS Sınav Analizi ve Olası Doğru Cevapları
Öncelikle 2023 Sonbahar YDS’ye girmiş olan tüm dostlarımızın hedefledikleri puanlara ulaşmalarını dileriz.
İlk 16 Soru
1. interpretation
2. accuracy
3. unprecedented
4. evenly
5. compiling
6. bring out
7. with / through
8. with / across
9. has evolved / was
10. kept / continues
11. enabling / have influenced
12. unless
13. while
14. although
15. owing to
16. both / and
Cloze Test 1
1. through
2. has been infected
3. accompanied
4. since
5. thanks to
Cloze Test 2
1. extensively
2. in
3. apart from
4. because
5. could be applied