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Reasonable ne demek?

Reasonable ne demek? Reasonable ne anlama gelir? Reasonable İngilizce örnek cümle. Reasonable eş anlamlıları.

    reasonable (adj)


    akla yatkın, kabul edilebilir, uygun

    Reasonable (adj) ingilizce örnek cümle

    A good management would listen to reasonable demands.

    İyi bir yönetim makul talepleri dinler.

    The rent is reasonable, and moreover, the location is perfect.

    Kira makul ve dahası, konumu mükemmel.

    Reasonable (adj) Collocations

    only reasonable : sadece makul
    perfectly reasonable : kusursuzca mantıklı
    totally reasonable : tamamen makul
    eminently reasonable : son derece makul
    entirely reasonable : tamamen makul
    81 Örnek daha
    extremely reasonable : son derece makul
    fairly reasonable : oldukça makul
    reasonable enough : yeterince makul
    reasonable accuracy : akla uygun doğruluk
    reasonable alternative : makul alternatif
    reasonable amount : makul miktar
    reasonable answer : makul cevap
    reasonable approximation : makul yaklaşım
    reasonable argument : makul iddia
    reasonable assumption : makul varsayım
    reasonable assurance : makul güvence
    reasonable balance : uygun/kabul edilebilir denge
    reasonable belief : makul/mantıklı inanç
    reasonable care : makul itina
    reasonable cause : makul sebep
    reasonable certainty : makul kesinlik
    reasonable chance : makul şans
    reasonable charge : makul ücret
    reasonable comfort : makul konfor
    reasonable compromise : makul uzlaşma
    reasonable conclusion : makul sonuç
    reasonable condition : makul koşul
    reasonable confidence : makul güven
    reasonable deduction : makul sonuç çıkarma
    reasonable demand : kabul edilebilir/mantıklı talep
    reasonable disagreement : makul anlaşmazlık
    reasonable distance : makul mesafe
    reasonable doubt : makul şüphe
    reasonable estimate : makul tahmin
    reasonable excuse : makul bahane
    reasonable expectation : makul beklenti
    reasonable expense : makul masraf
    reasonable explanation : Makul açıklama
    reasonable fee : makul ücret
    reasonable force : makul güç
    reasonable ground : mantıklı sebep / gerekçe
    reasonable guess : makul tahmin
    reasonable hope : makul umut
    reasonable inference : makul çıkarım
    reasonable interpretation : makul yorumlama
    reasonable length : makul uzunluk
    reasonable level : makul seviye
    reasonable limit : makul sınır
    reasonable manner : makul davranış
    reasonable notice : makul duyuru
    reasonable number : makul sayı
    reasonable observer : makul/sağduyulu gözlemci
    reasonable offer : makul teklif
    reasonable opportunity : makul fırsat
    reasonable percentage : makul yüzde
    reasonable person : mantıklı insan
    reasonable possibility : makul olasılık
    reasonable precaution : makul önlem
    reasonable price : makul fiyat
    reasonable profit : makul kâr
    reasonable proportion : makul oran
    reasonable prospect : makul olasılık
    reasonable rate : makul oran
    reasonable recompense : makul tazminat
    reasonable request : makul istek
    reasonable requirement : makul gereksinim
    reasonable restriction : makul kısıtlama
    reasonable return : makul getiri
    reasonable safety : makul güvenlik
    reasonable salary : makul maaş
    reasonable settlement : makul çözüm
    reasonable size : makul boyut
    reasonable standard : makul standart
    reasonable starting point : makul başlangıç ​​noktası
    reasonable step : makul adım
    reasonable suggestion : makul öneri
    reasonable sum : makul toplam
    reasonable supposition : makul varsayım
    reasonable time : Makul süre
    reasonable tone : makul ses
    appear reasonable : makul görünmek
    look reasonable : mantıklı görünmek
    regard sth as reasonable : bir şeyi makul görmek
    seem reasonable : makul görünüyor
    sound reasonable : makul gibi gelmek
    a reasonable number of : makul sayıda ...
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